Elizabeth I and the Catholic Church
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
Roman Catholicism was enforced in England and Wales during the reign of Mary I. Protestants were persecuted and a number were executed as heretics. Many fled for their own safety to Protestant states in Europe. However, all this changed on the death of Mary and the accession of Elizabeth
Elizabeth I
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
Elizabeth I was queen from 1558 to 1603. In her reign, Mary, Queen of Scots was executed and the Spanish Armada was defeated. Elizabeth I never married so the Tudor dynasty ended with her death in 1603. Her legal heir was James VI of Scotland. He, a Stuart, became
Queen Elizabeth’s Tilbury speech
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
Made on the eve of the Spanish Armada in 1588 “My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that we are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but, I do assure you, I do not desire
Elizabeth I and the Localities
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
Elizabeth’s England was far from united. As well as religious and financial issues, local problems were to become an issue. Whereas the South was well represented at Court and in the Privy Council, the North was not. This was bound to cause resentment. It was certainly the case, that
Elizabeth I and the Church of England
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
Elizabeth I viewed the 1559 Religious Settlement as an Act of State, which was to establish a proper relationship between the Crown and the Church. Elizabeth desperately wanted to repair all the damage that had been caused within her kingdom in the previous decades under the name of religion.
Elizabeth I and Succession
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
By not marrying, Elizabeth I threw into question her succession. Elizabeth was intelligent enough to realise that other nations had faced huge problems when there was a succession crisis or when there were even doubts as to who a monarch’s true successor should be. This was an issue that
Elizabeth I and Spain
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
When Elizabeth became Queen in 1558 on the death of her half-sister Mary, England had a decent relationship with Spain. Mary’s marriage to Philip of Spain obviously helped to cement this even if the marriage itself was not a success. There were those in the Privy Council and Parliament
Elizabeth I and Marriage
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
From the start of her reign in 1558, Elizabeth I was pressurised into marriage so that there would be an heir to the throne. Even though Elizabeth was Queen, members of the Privy Council still felt that it was their right and duty to persuade Elizabeth that marriage was for
Elizabeth I and France
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
France was to be a constant thorn in the side of Elizabeth I throughout her reign. England had lost the last of her territories in France during the reign of Mary, when Calais was lost. Therefore, France controlled the whole of the northern coastline and posed a major threat
Elizabeth I and Finances
Author: C N Trueman | No comments
When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558, she inherited a difficult financial situation and a debt of £227,000. Over £100,000 of this was owed to the Antwerp Exchange who charged an interest rate of 14%. Throughout her reign, Elizabeth was engaged in expensive financial issues, especially foreign
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