The 1950 general election saw the return to power of the Labour Party under the leadership of Clement Atlee. However, compared with the 1945 general election result, Atlee was working with a greatly reduced majority.




C                     10,499,392    (43.8%)          253 MP’s elected

L                     2,248,127      (9.4%)            2 MP’s elected

Lab                 11,050,966    (46.2%)          251 MP’s elected

Com               55,158            (0.2%)            0 MP elected

Others            100,805         (0.4%)            0 MP elected




C                     418,668         (27.4%)          4 MP’s elected

L                     193,090         (12.6%)          5 MP’s elected

Lab                 887,984         (58.1%)          27 MP’s elected

Com               9,048              (0.6%)            0 MP elected

PC                  17,580            (1.2%)            0 MP elected




C                     1,222,010      (44.8%)          31 MP’s elected

L                     180,270         (6.6%)            2 MP’s elected

Lab                 1,259,410      (46.2%)          37 MP’s elected

Com               27,559            (1.0%)            0 MP elected

SNP               9,708              (0.4%)            0 MP elected

Others            27,727            (1.0%)            1 MP elected


  1. Ireland


C                     352,332         (62.7%)          10 MP’s elected

Lab                 67,816            (12.1%)          0 MP elected

Irish LP           52,715            (9.4%)            0 MP elected

N                     65,211            (11.6%)          2 MP’s elected

SF                  23,362            (4.2%)            0 MP elected



Total UK


C                     12,492,404    (43.4%)          298 MP’s elected

L                     2,621,487      (9.1%)            9 MP’s elected

Lab                 13,266,176    (46.1%)          315 MP’s elected

Com               91,765           (0.3%)            0 MP’s elected

Irish LP           52,715           (0.2%)            0 MP elected

N                     65,211           (0.2%)            2 MP’s elected

PC                  17,580           (0.1%)            0 MP elected

SF                  23,362           (0.1%)            0 MP elected

SNP               9,708              (0.0%)            0 MP elected

Others            130,716         (0.5%             1 MP elected


C = Conservatives


L = Liberals


Lab = Labour


Com = Communist Party


Irish LP = Irish Labour Party


N = Irish Nationalist


PC = Plaid Cymru


SF = Sinn Fein


SNP = Scottish National Party

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