In 1975, a national referendum was held on whether the United Kingdom should maintain its membership of the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union. This is the only example the UK has of a national referendum. The date set for the referendum was June 5th, 1975.


The question on the paper was: “Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (The Common Market)?”


In England the voting was:


Yes – 14,918,009 (68.7%)


No – 6,812,052 (31.3%)


Spoilt papers – 42,161


In Wales the voting was


Yes – 869,135 (64.8%)


No – 472,071 (35.2%)


Spoilt papers – 4,339


In Scotland the voting was:


Yes – 1,332,186 (58.4%)


No – 948,039 (41.6%)


Spoilt papers – 6,541


In Northern Ireland the voting was:


Yes – 259,251 (52.1%)


No – 237,911 (47.9%)


Spoilt papers – 1,589


Total United Kingdom:


Yes – 17,378,581 (67.2%)


No – 8,470,073 (32.8%)


Spoilt papers – 54,540


Total turnout = 64% of registered electorate