The Cold War Nikita Khrushchev Spies of the Cold War Era The Prague Spring of 1968 Leonid Brezhnev Alexei Kosygin Alexander Dubcek The Nuclear Arms Race The Nuclear Winter B53 Bomb Detente Soviet invasion of Afghanistan The Malta Summit 1989 Project Azorian Cold War chronology Causes of the Cold War in 1945 What was the Cold War? The Iron Curtain The Truman Doctrine Europe in 1945 Europe 1945 - 1950 1945-1950 Berlin after 1945 NATO The Korean War The Warsaw Pact The Soviet Army The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 Hungarian Secret Police Matyas Rakosi Janos Kadar Imre Nagy The causes of the Suez Canal War of 1956 The diplomatic background to the Suez Crisis of 1956 Anthony Eden and Suez Dwight Eisenhower and Suez The Suez Crisis of 1956 The Berlin Wall The V Bomber Force English Electric Lightning Fulgencio Batista The Cuban Missile Crisis Fidel Castro